Whetstone Field Primary School

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Term Dates

Increasingly, parents are asking to take their children out of school for holidays and other non- emergencies. Holidays should not be taken during the school term. Holidays during school time will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. Holidays taken during term time could adversely affect your child’s education and attendance record. Walsall Children’s Services now has the authority to fine parents a set amount for taking unauthorised holidays during school time.

Autumn term 2024

Tuesday 3rd September - Friday 25th October

Monday 4th November - Friday 20th December


Spring Term 2025

Monday 6th January - Friday 14th February

Monday 24th February - Friday 11th April


Summer Term 2025

Monday 28th April - Friday 23rd May

Monday 2nd June - Monday 21st July


INSET Days to be announced